20 January, 2011

I know a seeecret – Day 64

Odo 884

I've just been let in on a secret that will be quite big news in the electric motorcycle world. By the time I can tell it will be common knowledge. But remember, you didn't hear it here first.


  1. So when will this info be released and does it have to do with Zero?

  2. It's not related to Zero, and I gather that it will be published as a sidebar to the Zero DS review in Trailbike Adventure Magazine. After that hits the shelves I'll spill the beans. (ie too late to be of interest)

  3. I'm interested in this too! Being in the states, I don't have access to this magazine, though it sounds great. Their site shows issue #37 is on the stands. When do you think the article will come out, and when will you be doing a post on what you know? I'm really curious as to what you know!
